
Choral Rules


  1. See 'General Competition Rules' and 'General Festival Rules' as well as the following.
  2. Choirs proposing to compete in the competition must submit entry using Entry Form
    FPC4, with SAE, to Festival Office.
  3. Entry Fee - Senior €20; Schools €20.
  4. Two copies of each song to be submitted with entry form.
  5. All part songs must be unaccompanied. In school competition G unison singing may
    be accompanied with piano and /or traditional instruments.
  6. For the purposes of Pan Celtic Competition Penillion Singing is not regarded as accompanied.
  7. To qualify as a new entrant a choir must not have entered for the previous two years.

    Competition A
    Mixed Choirs
    Two songs of choirs choice in their Celtic language.
    1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy & €250; 2nd Prize: Plaque & €200.

    Competition B
    Mixed Rural Choirs (S.A.T.B)
    Population under 15,000
    Two songs of choirs choice in their Celtic language.
    1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy (Gl6r na nGael Cup) & €250; 2nd Prize: €200.
    NOTE: Choirs from rural towns or rural areas are not confined to competition B. It is
    possible to compete in Competition A, if desired. (Enter one competition only - A or B)

    Competition C
    Female Choirs (3 or 4 parts)
    Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic language
    1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy & €200; 2nd Prize: €150

    Competition D
    Male Choirs (3 or 4 parts)
    Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic language.
    1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy (ITGWU Cup ) & €200; 2nd Prize: €150

    Competition E
    Post-Primary Schools (3 or 4 parts)
    Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic language.
    1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy & €150; 2nd Prize: €100

    Competition F
    Confined to Choirs from Primary Schools (2 parts)
    Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic language.
    1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy & €150 ; 2nd Prize: €100.

    Competition G
    Post and Primary Schools
    Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic language. A unison song may be accompanied
    with piano and / or traditional instruments.
    Prize: Perpetual Trophy & €150

    Competition H
    Open competition for choirs (with accompaniment)
    Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic Language.
    1st Prize €150; 2nd Prize €1 00.

    The Pan Celtic Trophy & €200 will be awarded for the best performance by any choir, at the
    discretion of the adjudicators. A trophy & €200 will be awarded for best song performed
    by a non-prizewinning choir.