Carlow - Ceatharlach
22 - 27 April, 2025
- See 'General Competition Rules' and 'General Festival Rules' as well as the following.
- Choirs proposing to compete in the competition must submit entry using Entry Form
FPC4, with SAE, to Festival Office.
- Entry Fee - Senior €20; Schools €20.
- Two copies of each song to be submitted with entry form.
- All part songs must be unaccompanied. In school competition G unison singing may
be accompanied with piano and /or traditional instruments.
- For the purposes of Pan Celtic Competition Penillion Singing is not regarded as accompanied.
- To qualify as a new entrant a choir must not have entered for the previous two years.
Competition A
Mixed Choirs
Two songs of choirs choice in their Celtic language.
1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy & €250; 2nd Prize: Plaque & €200.
Competition B
Mixed Rural Choirs (S.A.T.B)
Population under 15,000
Two songs of choirs choice in their Celtic language.
1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy (Gl6r na nGael Cup) & €250; 2nd Prize: €200.
NOTE: Choirs from rural towns or rural areas are not confined to competition B. It is
possible to compete in Competition A, if desired. (Enter one competition only - A or B)
Competition C
Female Choirs (3 or 4 parts)
Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic language
1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy & €200; 2nd Prize: €150
Competition D
Male Choirs (3 or 4 parts)
Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic language.
1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy (ITGWU Cup ) & €200; 2nd Prize: €150
Competition E
Post-Primary Schools (3 or 4 parts)
Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic language.
1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy & €150; 2nd Prize: €100
Competition F
Confined to Choirs from Primary Schools (2 parts)
Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic language.
1st Prize: Perpetual Trophy & €150 ; 2nd Prize: €100.
Competition G
Post and Primary Schools
Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic language. A unison song may be accompanied
with piano and / or traditional instruments.
Prize: Perpetual Trophy & €150
Competition H
Open competition for choirs (with accompaniment)
Two songs of choir's choice in their Celtic Language.
1st Prize €150; 2nd Prize €1 00.
The Pan Celtic Trophy & €200 will be awarded for the best performance by any choir, at the
discretion of the adjudicators. A trophy & €200 will be awarded for best song performed
by a non-prizewinning choir.